Logistical Tracking System: 21st Century Facilities Management


The Logistical Tracking System (LTS) provides an integrated and flexible tool used to track and report on characteristics, contents and personnel associated with locations/facilities.  It has several features that can assist first responders, military personnel or law enforcement agencies.

LTS can capture personnel information, dimensional data, space attributes, and inspection information, including Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT), telecommunications and other equipment.  For example, it has the ability to tie directly into security camera feeds as well as other security infrastructure. The ability to view camera feeds over the web allows officers, first responders and military personnel the ability to view potentially dangerous situations remotely as well as the ability to monitor facilities and other critical areas from outside the facilities while patrolling areas if wireless capability is available.  LTS allows organizations to inventory assets for compliance purposes, emergency management purposes and homeland security issues.


Due to a variety of federal and state mandates, as well as internal needs, organizations such as universities, municipal governments, Homeland Security, and emergency management authorities have significant facility tracking and reporting obligations. The few rudimentary tools currently available on the market to help these organizations fulfill those obligations require significant manual data collection, input and reporting, which is inefficient, costly and error prone.

Potential Benefits:

·         Easy to Use - Provides a single platform for capturing, using and reporting on a wide variety of facility-related information for both internal and external use

·         Cost-Efficient - Saves money relative to both manual systems and “homegrown” computerized systems

·         Better Management - Provides significantly better facilities information (i.e., more complete, more accurate, more useful), which yields opportunities for improved facilities management.


Potential Applications:

·         Overall facility management

·         Higher education institutions

·         Homeland Security centers

·         Local, state and federal organizations


Primary Inventor:

·         Dr. Nicolas Valcik


IP Status: Copyright obtained.

Licensing Opportunity: This technology is available for non-exclusive licensing.

Contact: otc@utdallas.edu

ID Number: MP 10-005M

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
OTC Licensing
Facilities Management
Industrial & Manufacturing
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