Search Results - anvar+zakhidov

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Biscrolling Nanopowders and Carbon Nanotube Sheets into Fibers, Yarns and Textiles
Non-Confidential Description:The technology is the first known method to spin biscrolled fibers/yarns from nanopowder materials using carbon nanotube (CNT) sheets as the host. Nanopowder materials (nanoparticles, nanofibers) are loaded onto the CNT sheets to form bi-layered sheets, which are then scrolled into fibers. A key advantage of this technology...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Ray Baughman, Shaoli Fang, Marcio Lima, Raquel Robles, Xavier Lepro-Chavez, Mohammad Haque, Anvar Zakhidov, Chihye Lewis Azad, Javier Carretero-Gonzalez, Elizabet Castillo-Martinez, Carter Haines, David Novitski, Mikhail Kozlov
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Coatings, Drug Delivery, Electronics, Energy Storage & Battery, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Healthcare, Processes, Semiconductor, MEMS & Nanotechnology, Textiles
Category(s): Materials, Nanotechnology
Electrolyte-Free Charge Injection Tuning of Carbon Nanotube Sheets – Offering Novel Supercapacitor Technology
This invention utilizes bulk material property modification via hole or electron injection into conducting and porous materials including but not limited to carbon nanotubes. Bulk carbon nanotube (CNT) assemblies (sheets, rods, etc) can be charged electrochemically in an electrolyte bath. After the CNT sheet is charged (positively or negatively) in...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Dong-Seok Suh, Ray Baughman, Anvar Zakhidov
Keywords(s): Carbon Nanotubes, Chemistry, Devices, Drug Delivery, Energy Storage & Battery, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Research Tools, Textiles
Category(s): Energy, Materials, Electronics
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